
Not all APIs require authentication. Each API will note if it needs authentication.

Two options for authentication are available: shared-secret and OAuth.

Shared Secret

The Marketplace frontend uses a server-supplied token for authentication, stored as a cookie.

POST /api/v1/account/login/


  • assertion (string) – the Persona assertion.
  • audience (string) – the Persona audience.


    "assertion": "1234",
    "audience": ""


  • error (string) – any error that occurred.
  • token (string) – a shared secret to be used on later requests. It should be sent with authorized requests as a query string parameter named _user.
  • permissions (object) – user permissions.
  • settings (object) – user account settings.


    "error": null,
    "token": ",95c9063d9f249aacfe5697fc83192e...",
    "settings": {
        "display_name": "fred foobar",
        "email": "",
        "region": "appistan"
    "permissions": {
        "reviewer": false,
        "admin": false,
        "localizer": false,
        "lookup": true,
        "developer": true
Status Codes:
  • 201 – successfully completed, a new profile might have been created in the marketplace if the account was new.


Marketplace provides OAuth 1.0a, allowing third-party apps to interact with its API.

See the OAuth Guide and this authentication flow diagram for an overview of OAuth concepts. The “Application Name” and “Redirect URI” fields are used by Marketplace when prompting users for authorization, allowing your application to make API requests on their behalf. “Application Name” should contain the name of your app, for Marketplace to show users when asking them for authorization. “Redirect URI” should contain the URI to redirect the user to, after the user grants access to your app (step D in the diagram linked above). These fields can be left blank if this key will only be used to access your own Marketplace account. When you are first developing your API to communicate with the Marketplace, you should use the development server to test your API.

OAuth URLs

  • The Temporary Credential Request URL path is /oauth/register/.
  • The Resource Owner Authorization URL path is /oauth/authorize/.
  • The Token Request URL path is /oauth/token/.

Production server

The production server is at

  1. Log in using Persona:
  2. At provide the name of the app that will use the key, and the URI that Marketplace’s OAuth provide will redirect to after the user grants permission to your app. You may then generate a key pair for use in your application.
  3. (Optional) If you are planning on submitting an app, you must accept the terms of service:

Development server

The development server is at

We make no guarantees on the uptime of the development server. Data is regularly purged, causing the deletion of apps and tokens.

Using OAuth Tokens

Once you’ve got your token, you will need to ensure that the OAuth token is sent correctly in each request.

To correctly sign an OAuth request, you’ll need the OAuth consumer key and secret and then sign the request using your favourite OAuth library. An example of this can be found in the example marketplace client.

Example headers (new lines added for clarity):

Content-type: application/json
Authorization: OAuth realm="",

If requests are failing and returning a 401 response, then there will likely be a reason contained in the response. For example:

{"reason": "Terms of service not accepted."}